The larynx also known as the voice box is the triangle shaped tubular structure in neck. Laryngoscopy is medical procedure to visualize the larynx and structures around the larynx like epiglottis and vocal cords. The larynx can be visualized by Indirect laryngoscopy is the procedure for the visualization of larynx […]

The vermiform appendix is a narrow, blind-ending intestinal diverticulum arising from the posteromedial aspect of the caecum, 2-3cm inferolateral to the ileocecal valve. Quick Navigation Structure Embryology Position of Appendix Vascular supply and Lymphatic drainage Nerve supply Functional anatomy Clinical anatomy Structure It is usually 6-10 cm long in the […]

Nerve block can be divided into central neuraxial block and peripheral block. Central neuraxial block are further of two types viz. spinal (subarachnoid) and epidural.   Spinal anesthesia is a form of neuraxial regional anesthesia involving the injection of a local anesthetic or opioid into the subarachnoid space, generally through […]

Ototoxicity is a capacity of a drug or therapeutic agent to damage inner ear (auditory and/or vestibular) structure and/or function producing symptoms like hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness etc. Ototoxicity came into attention when Streptomycin used for the treatment of tuberculosis in 1944 caused the toxicity of the inner ear. Quick […]