Surgery 10 MCQs – 1

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Welcome to your Surgery 10 MCQs - 1

1. Prostate carcinoma occurs in
2. 18 year old boy came to hospital due to road traffic accident. His parent claim that he had an episode of vomiting and a short period of loss of consciousness and he again regained consciousness. Now again he has gone to unconsciousness. What could be most likely?
3. Not an indication for splenectomy
4. Murphy's triad is
5. Metastasis of testicular tumor first occurs to
6. Predominant cell during days 3-4 of wound healing
7. A patient undergone subtotal thyroidectomy 1 month back. Since that time he has husky voice. Which nerve is damaged?
8. Screening of acute pancreatitis is best done by
9. Oschner Sherren regimen is for
10. Anchovy sauce pus is a feature of

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