Internal Medicine 10 MCQs – 2

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Welcome to your Internal Medicine 10 MCQs - 2

1. Recognized features of extrapyramidal tract disease include
2. Typical clinical features of acute circulatory failure due to anaphylactic shock include
3. Useful serum tumor markers associated with the following disease include
4. In the treatment of cardiac failure associated with acute pulmonary edema
5. Expected findings in a patient with significant mitral stenosis include
6. In the emergency treatment of accelerated hypertension
7. Typical chest findings in a large right pleural effusion include
8. One of the following is not associated with hemoptysis
9. The following statements about tuberculin testing are true
10. The management of chronic persistent asthma

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Internal Medicine 10 MCQs - 3

Mon May 23 , 2022
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